Sunday, September 24, 2006

it was pirates night last night at halifax, so mike and i trotted down to halifax to join the rest. we werent dressed for the occasion so what we did was just stole people's props for phototaking purposes

nitin's neighbour (ihavenoidea what his name is) dressed up as a scottish pirate. [he was wearing a skirt!]. me in his hat. mike looking cool. yc and nitin (noidea what yc was looking at) and nitin was really 'blind' in his left eye, he lost his contact lens for his left eye the other day.

yc and i got bored. as usual people were drinking, we didnt drink, people were smoking, we didnt smoke. it was too stuffy and smellly and warm in the corridor so we went to the kitchen and had fun with the fire exit sign :D ohyes, yc and dave went to Peak District yesterday and they bought some pastries back from a place called Bakewell. yup, they 'bake quite well' (if i may quote yc). the puddings were yummmmmy!

and i say "peace, world peace"

so does yc, mike, raymond and erm, maybe philipp.

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