Friday, September 29, 2006

it was raining today during my lunch break and i brought my own bread for lunch so i didnt really want to follow dave and yc and dave's friend (dunno what her name was) to have lunch at west street. ate my bread outside the lecture theatre, then decided to head to the health sciences library located at the hospital to check my email and borrow some books on HIV which i need to complete my assignment. saw sheng's email and i got really happy. it's just nice receiving emails from good friends, i mean i dont think it is that hard to sit down and type an email. but most people (i admit i do that once in a while) would just read an email, and not bother to reply, either that or they sit on the email thinking that they will reply ONE DAY, but that one day would never come. okay i am digressing.

anyway today was the first day where we had lectures on the cardiovascular system. and we saw our first patient today! it was really exciting watching Prof Bax take the history of the patient. i think it was probably the most interesting hour of the day. anyway i think im having angina pectoris. no, seriously. i was working out in the gym and i had chest pains and i felt breathless :( or maybe it's a mental thing. hmmm.

oh and i got into the badminton team. i havent played in ages, i think it was the first time in perhaps 6 months i had last played. and tomorrow will be my first training in a long long time, i wonder how training would be like. and im gonna take part in the nottingham games! (calling out to jan! will you be there in october?)

anyway i feel like i have so much reading to do. i have a number of words i need to look up because i kept hearing them in lectures but i have no idea what they mean. and because yc is nerd number two and i am nerd number one i need to erm, maintain my nerd position.

okay im gibberish.

just feels shitty to be still having a runny nose after a weeek! dont seem to be getting any better! and worse still i got caught in the rain AGAIN after dinner.

anyhows the day before i went down to halifax and we saw a notice on the board - they are looking for a guy who had sexually assulted someone on tues. and we were making fun of how our friend scrooooge (dave go find out how to spell his name!) who looked like the guy on the picture. but okay more importantly, that incident happened along the road where the sports centre is located!

so yesterday when i had to walk down to the gym (which is at the sports centre) at 8pm at night for my gym induction class, dave was very kind and offered to come walk me home once im done cuz it would be late. i wasnt that paranoid initially but after he reminded me, i got a teenyweenybit scared. i mean i never feel scared walking down the streets in singapore even if it is late at night. but the roads here are not as well lit as it is back home, so im a little more paranoid. but thankfully some of the guys were at the sports centre having soccer training so i didnt have to walk back alone, had philipp's company.

growl. im in a weird mood. maybe it's the weather maybe it's the bad food maybe it's going to be the time of the month, or maybe it's because i miss jeev too much :(

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