Friday, October 06, 2006

in the morning it was raining - perfect weather for snuggling in bed! but i had a class from 9-10. went to the gym after class and then went for my last lecture of the day at 12pm. met prashant after that with liz dave and yc for a crash course on the human anatomy, i mean DR prashant. it wasnt suppose to be crash course though, i invited prashant for coffee but erm, no idea why we started talking about the body.

anyhows the sun came out around 3 and it was nice and sunny and i felt like going to the botanical gardens. but every one else was busy so i just went shopping at the bookstores and second hand shops at broomhill. bought myself a book (: YAY. it was a book i had wanted to buy in singapore, thankfully i didnt because i got a second hand one for a very cheap price. :D

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